About Investment, Investment Learning, Investment Info

About Investment, Investment Learning, Investment Info

You have to remember, the investment does not promise money for sure, because there must be risk. And the risks are mild to severe. So first understand the possibilities. #AboutInvestment

Every choice in this world, and any decision whatsoever there are all risks, including the wrong choice of this Investment. #AboutInvestment

So if one choose Invasion but you still expect the exact money from the Investment, means you are not the type Investors who dare to bear a risk. #AboutInvestment

Money is uncertain: Money that can grow, stagnant and even decrease. #AboutInvestment

The money we grow means: The value of our unit is currently much higher than when we buy it. #AboutInvestment

Money stagnant means: The value of our unit is equal to the value of the unit when we buy it. #AboutInvestment

Reduced or shrunk money means: The value of our unit is much lower than the value of the unit when we buy it. #AboutInvestment

Every investor does not like a flat life, because they love a dynamic life. #AboutInvestment

About the uncertain money is clearly written in the prophets you learned first when you want to invest. #AboutInvestment

You should also be able to understand how to invest and the risks if you choose the wrong investment for your finances. #AboutInvestment

How much you dare to take risks, that is also the return (return) that you will receive # AboutInvestment

That is all and thank you.