Some Traits Of A Warren Buffett As A Top World Investor

Of course we have often heard the name "Warren Buffett". Yes, he is the one who entered the ranks of the world's richest people.

Number two after "Bill Gates" with a fortune of approximately 72.5 billion USD in 2017.

And no doubt he is a world's best investor right now.

By building his business empire one of the best businesses in the world, making him one of the richest people in the world.

Tony Robbins, a professional life coach, has recently published a book explaining how to succeed with money.

In volume, he has interviewed the main and best investors including Warren Buffett, Carl Icahn, Ray Dalio, and John Bogle.

What he found was that the four investors shared several things, including these four traits that existed in Warren Buffet.

1. They Realize Him Not Always Right

In opinion sometimes we feel we are the most true, let alone our real position above them.And this is also one of the most interesting things of a Warren Buffett, how easy he admits his mistake if something he did was wrong.

2. They Hate Losing Money
Of course anyone who does this nun will hate about losing money. But according to Robbins, the world's top investors are even more obsessed with losing money than the average person.A Buffett was no exception one of them. Some of his famous quote contognya is about "Rules": "Rule no. 1 do not lose money. Rule no. 2 do not forget regulation no. 1. "

3. They Likes Minimizing A Risk 
It is impossible to have an incredibly successful business without taking the slightest risk.A Buffett understands that to reduce the risk must be as much as possible. For example, Buffett always insisted that Berkshire Hathaway kept at least US $ 20 billion in cash as a safety net, if anything happened one day.

4. They Give Back 
Warren Buffett is one of the benefactors who give his wealth to people in need. And even the children are always taught to give help to the people around him who clearly need his help.

In fact, Buffett and his friend Bill Gates jointly started The Giving Pledge, a community that encourages the richest people in the world to donate their money to good deeds during their lives or after their deaths (amazingly yes).

Finally, there is a good inspiration to take lessons and lessons from the words of a Warren Buffett this, namely:
"If you're at luckiest 1% of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think of the other 99%," Buffett said.